
Murre sketch painting. Bird art drawing by illustrator Artmagenta.
Murre bird painting
Common Murre (Uria aalge) nests in northern Europe, in Iceland, the coast of Scandinavia, UK and along large parts the Atlantic coast, in Asia, in Russia, North Korea and Japan, North America, inAlaska, Canada, USA and Greenland.

TAGS: Bird painting of Murre, bird sketch of Murre, bird drawing of Murre, bird art of Murre, bird illustration of Murre.

Superb Fairywren

Superb Fairywren bird painting by Artmagenta
Superb Fairywren
The Superb Fairywren (Malurus cyaneus), also known as the Superb Blue-wren or as the Blue Wren, is common and familiar across southeastern Australia.


Shelduck sketch painting. Bird art drawing by illustrator Artmagenta
The Shelduck (Tadorna tadorna) occurs along the coasts in most of Europe and the temperate parts of Asia.

Southern cassowary

Southern cassowary bird painting by Artmagenta
Southern cassowary

The southern cassowary (Casuarius casuarius) also known as double-wattled cassowary, Australian cassowary or two-wattled cassowary is distributed in tropical rainforests of Indonesia, New Guinea and northeastern Australia.

TAGS: Bird painting of southern cassowary  bird sketch of southern cassowary  bird drawing of southern cassowary  bird art of southern cassowary, bird illustration of southern cassowary.

Western tanager

Western tanager bird painting by Artmagenta
Western tanager

The western tanager (Piranga ludoviciana), is a medium-sized American songbird breeding across western North America from the Mexico-U.S. border as far north as southern Alaska.

TAGS: Bird painting of western tanager, bird sketch of western tanager  bird drawing of western tanager  bird art of western tanager, bird illustration of western tanager.

Red-headed woodpecker

Red-headed woodpecker bird painting by Artmagenta
Red-headed woodpecker

The red-headed woodpecker (Melanerpes erythrocephalus) bteed across southern Canada and the eastern-central United States.
TAGS: Bird painting of red-headed woodpecker  bird sketch of red-headed woodpecker, bird drawing of red-headed woodpecker  bird art of red-headed woodpecker, bird illustration of red-headed woodpecker.

Blue-gray gnatcatcher

Blue-gray gnatcatcher bird painting by Artmagenta
Blue-gray gnatcatcher

The blue-gray gnatcatcher (Polioptila caerulea) breeds in southern Ontario, the eastern and southwestern United States, and Mexico.

TAGS: Bird painting of blue-gray gnatcatcher  bird sketch of blue-gray gnatcatcher  bird drawing of blue-gray gnatcatcher, bird art of blue-gray gnatcatcher  bird illustration of blue-gray gnatcatcher.

MacGillivray's warbler

MacGillivray's warbler bird painting by Artmagenta
MacGillivray's warbler

The MacGillivray's warbler (Geothlypis tolmiei) is migratory and spend summer in temperate forests in the western United States, and in boreal forests of west Canada.

TAGS: Bird painting of MacGillivray's warbler  bird sketch of MacGillivray's warbler, bird drawing of MacGillivray's warbler  bird art of MacGillivray's warbler, bird illustration of MacGillivray's warbler.