Showing posts with label Warblers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Warblers. Show all posts

Cape May warbler

The Cape May warbler (Setophaga tigrina) is a species of New World warbler. It breeds in northern North America.

Sardinian warbler

The Sardinian warbler (Curruca melanocephala) is a common and widespread typical warbler from the Mediterranean region.

Willow Warbler

Willow Warbler  (Phylloscopus trochilus) breeds in northern and temperate Europe and Asia and is one of the region's most numerous bird species. The bird has it's winter sites in southern and central Africa.

Willow Warbler sketch painting. Bird art drawing by illustrator Artmagenta
Willow Warbler

Sedge Warbler

Sedge Warbler (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus) nests in most of Europe and in western and central Asia. It is a migratory bird that winters in sub-Saharan Africa.

Icterine Warbler

Icterine Warblersketch painting. Bird art drawing by illustrator Artmagenta
Icterine Warbler
The Icterine Warbler  (Hippolais icterina) breeds in mainland Europe. The bird is migratory, wintering in sub-Saharan Africa.

TAGS: Bird painting of Icterine Warbler, bird sketch of Icterine Warbler, bird drawing of Icterine Warbler, bird art of Icterine Warbler, bird illustration of Icterine Warbler.

Barred Warbler

Barred Warbler sketch painting. Bird art drawing by illustrator Artmagenta
Barred Warbler

The Barred warbler  (Sylvia nisoria) nests in large parts of eastern Europe and the temperate regions of Asia.

Yellow Warbler

Yellow Warbler sketch painting. Bird art drawing by illustrator Artmagenta
Yellow Warbler

The Yellow Warbler (Setophaga petechia)is a bird that breeds in almost the whole of North America and down to northern South America.

TAGS: Bird painting of Yellow Warbler, bird sketch of Yellow Warbler, bird drawing of Yellow Warbler, bird art of Yellow Warbler, bird illustration of Yellow Warbler.

Common Yellowthroat

Common Yellowthroat bird painting by Artmagenta
Common Yellowthroat

The Common Yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas) is a New World warbler. They are abundant breeders in North America, ranging from southern Canada to central Mexico. Northern races are migratory, wintering in the southern parts of the breeding range, Central America and the West Indies.

TAGS: Bird painting of Common Yellowthroat, bird sketch of Common Yellowthroat, bird drawing of Common Yellowthroat, bird art of Common Yellowthroat, bird illustration of Common Yellowthroat.

Common Whitethroat

Common Whitethroat sketch painting. Bird art drawing by illustrator Artmagenta
Common Whitethroat
The Common Whitethroat (Sylvia communis) is a migratory bird that breeds widely in most of Europe except the Alps, Pyrenees, Southern Portugal and Spain's inland and in northern Scandinavia. The bird also breeds in the far north Africa in Algeria and Morocco, and the winters in tropical Africa.

TAGS: Bird painting of Common Whitethroat, bird sketch of Common Whitethroat, bird drawing of Common Whitethroat, bird art of Common Whitethroat, bird illustration of Common Whitethroat.

Yellow-browed warbler

Yellow-browed warbler bird painting by Artmagenta
Yellow-browed warbler

The yellow-browed warbler (Phylloscopus inornatus) breeds in temperate Asia. This warbler is strongly migratory and winters mainly in tropical southeast Asia, but also in small numbers in western Europe

TAGS: Bird painting of yellow-browed warbler  bird sketch of yellow-browed warbler, bird drawing of yellow-browed warbler  bird art of yellow-browed warbler, bird illustration of yellow-browed warbler.

River warbler

River warbler sketch painting. Bird art drawing by illustrator Artmagenta
River warbler
The river warbler (Locustella fluviatilis) breeds in east and central Europe into western Asia. It is migratory, wintering in east Africa.

TAGS: Bird painting of River warbler, bird sketch of River warbler, bird drawing of River warbler, bird art of River warbler, bird illustration of River warbler.


Chiffchaff bird painting
The Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita) breeds in Europe and Asia, east to eastern Siberia, with isolated populations in northwestern Africa, northern and western Turkey and northwestern Iran. It breeds in much of Europe except Iceland and parts of Spain and Greece.
They winters in western and southern Europe, the Mediterranean and south of Sahara.

Chiffchaff sketch painting. Bird art drawing by illustrator Artmagenta.
Chiffchaff bird painting

Wood Warbler

Wood Warbler sketch painting. Bird art drawing by illustrator Artmagenta
Wood Warbler
The Wood Warbler (Phylloscopus sibilatrix) nests over much of Europe and eastwards around to the Urals. It is consistently migratory and wintering in tropical Africa.

Blyth's reed warbler

Blyth's reed warbler sketch painting. Bird art drawing by illustrator Artmagenta
Blyth's reed warbler
The Blyth's reed warbler (Acrocephalus dumetorum) breeds in temperate Asia and easternmost Europe. It is migratory, wintering in India and Sri Lanka.

Lesser Whitethroat

The Lesser Whitethroat sketch painting. Bird art drawing by illustrator Artmagenta.
Lesser Whitethroat
The Lesser Whitethroat (Sylvia curruca) breeds in Europe and Asia east to the Trans-Baikal and as far south into northern Israel. The Lesser Whitethroat is a migratory bird that winters in the south of the Sahara, mostly in East Africa, the southern Arabian Peninsula and India.

Savi's Warbler

Savi's Warbler sketch painting. Bird art drawing by illustrator Artmagenta
Savi's Warbler
Savi's Warbler (Locustella luscinioides) is a migratory bird that breeds in southern Europe and western Asia. The bird winters in sub-Saharan Africa.

Arctic Warbler

Arctic Warblersketch painting. Bird art drawing by illustrator Artmagenta.
Arctic Warbler
The Arctic Warbler (Phylloscopus borealis) is widespread in the birch forest or mixed forest with birch near the water in Fennoscandia and northern Asia. The bird has also established itself in North America, where they breed in Alaska. The Arctic Warbler is a migratory bird and the entire population winters in Southeast Asia.

Garden Warbler

Garden Warbler sketch painting. Bird art drawing by illustrator Artmagenta
Garden Warbler

Garden Warblers (Sylvia borin) is a migratory bird that breeds in northern and temperate Europe and western Asia.


Blackcap Bird painting by Artmagenta

Blackcap sketch painting. Bird art drawing by illustrator Artmagenta
The Blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla) is a common and widespread warbler which breeds throughout northern and temperate Europe.

Reed Warbler

Reed Warbler Bird painting by Artmagenta
Reed warbler

Reed warbler sketch painting. Bird art drawing by illustrator Artmagenta.
Reed Warbler
The reed warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) nests in all of Europe except Ireland and Iceland. The bird is migratory and winters in sub-Saharan Africa.

TAGS: Bird painting of Reed Warbler, bird sketch of Reed Warbler, bird drawing of Reed Warbler, bird art of Reed Warbler, bird illustration of Reed Warbler.