Cinereous Vulture

Cinereous Vulture sketch painting. Bird art drawing by illustrator Artmagenta
Cinereous Vulture

The Cinereous Vulture (Aegypius monachus) is also known as the Black Vulture, Monk Vulture, or Eurasian Black Vulture. The Cinereous Vulture is a Eurasian species. The western limits of its range are in Spain and inland Portugal, with a reintroduced population in south France. They are found discontinuously to Greece, Turkey and throughout the central Middle East. Their range continues through Afghanistan eastwards to northern India to its eastern limits in central Asia, where they breed in northern Manchuria, Mongolia and Korea.

TAGS: Bird painting of Cinereous Vulture, bird sketch of Cinereous Vulture, bird drawing of Cinereous Vulture, bird art of Cinereous Vulture, bird illustration of Cinereous Vulture.